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Around the world, climate change is destabilizing food production, displacing people in vulnerable countries.
Read more our priorities Oceans occupy the largest part of Earth, and are the powerful sourse of energy and life for the humankind. Countless issues that the oceans are experiencing…
Read Full Story our priorities Oceans occupy the largest part of Earth, and are the powerful sourse of energy and life for the humankind. Countless issues that the oceans are…
Read Full Story our priorities Oceans occupy the largest part of Earth, and are the powerful sourse of energy and life for the humankind. Countless issues that the oceans are…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
The climate that we live in has changed a lot and the consequences are horrifying

Oceans are being constantly polluted, and it is one of the biggest issues
Wild birds and animals need us to help them survive after the ecological crisis
Our center insists on fighting corporations that cause a large amount of plastic trash
Pesticides affect not just the plants and ground, but also the fields` workers